Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stem Cells Determine Their Daughters' Fate

Stem Cells Determine Their Daughters' Fate: "From roundworm to human, most cells in an animal's body ultimately come from stem cells. When one of these versatile, unspecialized cells divides, the resulting 'daughter' cell receives instructions to differentiate into a specific cell type. In some cases this signal comes from other cells. But now, for the first time, researchers at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Embryology have found a type of stem cell that directly determines the fate of its daughters. "

Substances and structures that determine the fate of stem cells are being found almost daily. This article reports on how Intestinal Stem Cells (ISC) have a structure to receive information on whether they should become enterocytes or enteroencocrine cells.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

LIFE DIGEST: Embryonic stem cell
pioneer says cures likely decades away - (BP)

LIFE DIGEST: Embryonic stem cell
pioneer says cures likely decades away - (BP)
: "LAKE DELTON, Wis. (BP)--The scientist whose group took part in groundbreaking embryonic stem cell research in 1998 says cures using embryonic stem cells are likely decades away.

University of Wisconsin scientist James Thomson made the comments during a speech Feb. 8 in Lake Delton, Wis., to the Wisconsin Newspaper Association's annual convention, the Associated Press reported. In 1998, Thomson's team became the first group to grow human embryonic stem cells in culture, sparking a controversy over the use of embryos in stem cell research that continues to this day."

While Dr. Thomson is correct in not building false hopes for immediate cures, others will use this statement as justification for not doing embryonic stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research will reveal key points about human development. It will probably be a key information provider for regenerative medicine and for the development of targets for drug research. If no cures ever came from ESC research, we would still need to do it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

With Friends Like These....

Romney’s abortion views first shaped by personal, then clinical - National Politics - "”The comment was made that this really wasn’t a moral issue, because the embryos were terminated or destroyed at 14 days,” Romney said during a recent campaign stop in Mount Pleasant, S.C., in a reprise of other recent explanations of his thinking on abortion.

”And it struck me very powerfully at that point, that the Roe v. Wade approach has so cheapened the value of human life that someone could think it’s not a moral issue to destroy embryos that have been created solely for the purpose of research, and I said to my chief of staff, and that’s been 2 1/2 years ago, I said to her, ’I want to make it very clear that I’m pro-life.”’ "

Mitt Romney is no friend of ESC when he uses this approach. He is tying abortion and ESC together. ESC is challanged by this link. Obviously, those supporting ESC should not support him.

New Stem Cell Ethics Consortium

San Diego, CA) -- Four of the nation's leading biomedical research institutions have joined hands to form the San Diego Research Ethics Consortium to support the ethical conduct of science in stem cell and other research programs. The Consortium's first ethics conference will be held at the Salk Institute on April 6.

Bloggers can be a major part of the discussion of stem cell reseach

Friday, February 02, 2007

About Stem Cell Research: Stem Cell Research Documentary

About Stem Cell Research: Stem Cell Research Documentary

It is always difficult to pick out the intellectual dishonesty in a presentation. I believe that if embryonic stem cells could be duplicated by adult stem cells then one or the other of them wouldn't exist. They must have different functions. Probably, those functions are vital. What do you think?
I have been taking part in a very interesting discussion in comments on the Tennessean. It deals with when the beginning of human live occures. One of the key issues is IVF, invetro fertilization. I have been surprised to learn that about 400,000 embryos are frozen in the United States currently and that one percent of babies born in Isreal are from IVF. Those arguing against ESC skip the problem of these embryos. They put it off by offering embryo adoption and by frozen storage. Neither is a solution.