Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Michigan's Prop 2 passes, biology enters the twenty-first century in the state.

The proposal to loosen restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research in Michigan passed early this morning as election results trickled in from across the state. The initiative was up 52%-48%, with 87% of precincts reporting, mirroring an exit poll conducted for the Free Press and other media outlets. The vote was 2,143,101 in favor to 1,945,035 against.
Proposal 2 would amend the state constitution to allow Michigan researchers to use embryos left over from fertility treatments to create embryonic stem-cell lines for disease research. It is currently prohibited to destroy an embryo for "nontherapeutic" purposes, and is illegal to donate an embryo to science.

Michigan has great research universities that were previously hamstrung by the repressive law in the state.  That situation is now altered.  To the more conservative voters of Michigan, --there will be more chances to review this decision but the discussion need to continue from the basis of more experience.  We will find out what embryonic stem cells mean to humanity.  Now, Michigan will be a more meaningful participant in the discussion.

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